Andy McKenna
Branch (Army/Navy/RAF/Family): Army
Regiment/Corps/Station/Ship: Royal Signals
Length of Service: 15 years
Trade/Role in Service: Electronics Technician
What do you think about BFRS and the services we provide? I suspect they have evolved massively since my time (left in 1999) but back then I had the opportunity for a fully paid week’s course of my choosing and car hire for interviews (was in NI at the time) plus general interview assistance
Personal quote about your own resettlement/transition experience: Back then there wasn’t too much support with what to expect when leaving the Army & joining civvy street, but having met people who have left more recently I believe it is much better now
What advice would you give to the Armed Force Community about their transition journey? I left school and joined the Army as an apprentice, so when I left 15 years later I had no idea what to expect in a civilian work environment. It is different…..very, very different. I would suggest using any free time offered before an actual leaving date as an opportunity to do some work experience for a week or two
I would recommend KST as, not only is it a fantastic company, but it also has its fair share of ex-forces personnel which would definitely assist those transitioning. The one undeniable fact is that it’s a shock – I don’t think anyone can be fully prepared, but having people around you that understand what you’re going through is invaluable.