New Ambassador Awards!

The KST Group Ambassador Award Scheme is a great way to showcase your colleagues’ hard work and get the recognition they deserve. Do you know someone who has gone above and beyond? Maybe someone who has stepped in to help your team? Or someone who simply does a fantastic job all of the time! Let us know by completing the form below – we have introduced new award categories to be more aligned with the group that we are today!

Your nominee could be in with a chance of winning a shopping voucher and a shout out in BUZZ!


Fire & Life Safety

Fire & Life Safety (EFire & Silver)

Monitoring & Protect

K-SOC Monitoring & Protect

Fire Management

Quidvis Fire Management

Guarding Solutions

Kings Guarding Solutions:
North / Midlands / South


Kings Systems

(Install, Service, Projects, Service Admin, Tech support, New Business Team)


Kings Support Services

(KSSL Finance & Payroll, HR, IT, Marketing, Compliance & Training, Warehouse and Purchasing etc.)


Kings Solutions

(Grapevine, POL Admin, Corporate Accounts Team)

    Kings Systems (Install, Service, Projects, Service Admin, Tech Support, New Business Team) Kings Solutions (Grapevine, Pol Admin, Corporate Accounts Team) Kings Support Services (KSSL Finance & Payroll, HR, IT, Marketing, Compliance & Training, Warehouse, Purchasing) Guarding Solutions - North Guarding Solutions - Midlands Guarding Solutions - South Quidvis Cougar Monitoring & Protect Fire and Life Safety Ambassador (EFire & Silver)